
ColdBox Platform 3.0.0 Released

Luis Majano March 30, 2011

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Luis Majano

March 30, 2011

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I am so happy to finally announce ColdBox Platform 3.0.0 today on March 3.0, 2011. It has been over a year of research, testing, development, coding, long long nights, 1 beautiful baby girl, lots of headaches, lots of smiles, inspiration, blessings, new contributors, new team members, new company, new hopes, and ambitions. Overall, what an incredible year for ColdFusion and ColdBox development. I can finally say that this release has been the most ambitious release and project I have tackled in my entire professional life. I am so happy of the results and its incredible community response and involvement. So thank you so much Team ColdBox and all the community for the support and long hours of testing, ideas and development.

ColdBox 3 has been on a journey of 6 defined milestones and 2 release candidates in a spawn of over a year of development. Our vision was revamping the engine into discrete and isolated parts:

  • Core
  • LogBox : Enterprise Logging Library
  • WireBox : Enterprise Dependency Injection and AOP framework
  • CacheBox : Enterprise Caching Engine & Cache Aggregator
  • MockBox : Mocking/Stubbing Framework

All of these parts are now standalone and can be used with any ColdFusion application or ColdFusion framework. We believe we build great tools and would like everybody to have access to them even though they might not even use ColdBox MVC. Apart from the incredible amount of enhancements, we also ventured into several incredible new features:

  • What's New
  • ColdBox Modules : Bringing Modular Architecture to ANY ColdBox application
  • Programmatic configuration, no more XML
  • Incredible caching enhancements and integrations
  • Extensible and enterprise dependency injection
  • Aspect oriented programming
  • Integration testing, mocking, stubbing and incredible amount of tools for testing and verification
  • Customizable Flash RAM and future web flows
  • ColdFusion ORM and Hibernate Services
  • RESTful web services enhancement and easy creations
  • Tons more

The What's New page can say it all! An incredible more than 700 issue tickets closed and ColdBox 3.1 is already in full planning phases. So apart from all this work culminating, we can also say we have transitioned into a complete professional open source software offering an incredible amount of professional services and backup to any enterprise or company running ColdBox or any of our supporting products (Relax, CodexWiki, ForumMan, DataBoss, Messaging, ...):

Here is the list of the latest enhancements that occurred from RC2 to Final Release:

  • WireBox 1.1.1
  • CacheBox 1.2.0
  • 1183 new request context method: getHTTPBasicCredentials() to retrieve HTTP basic credentials decoded
  • 1185 new module service method: rebuildModuleRegistry() to rescan and rebuild the internal module registry for dynamically installed modules
  • 1186 new module service method: registerAndActivateModule() to do both registration and activation in one call
  • 1190 ses addRoute() new argument 'append' that tells the current added route to be appended or pre-pended to the routing table, append is by default
  • 1191 hibernate support for criteria queries, projections and restrictions thanks to Mike McKellip

So in the next coming weeks expect an incredible amount of new updates in our documentation, screencasts and ColdBox Connection free webinars as ColdBox 3 kicks it big willy style! So have fun with ColdBox Platform 3.0.0, use modules, and build great ColdFusion apps!



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Mar 30, 2011 02:07:30 UTC

by Bill

Congrats Luis! It's a hell awesome framework

Mar 30, 2011 06:35:22 UTC

by Tony Garcia

¡Enhorabuena, Luis! Un abrazo muy fuerte.

Mar 30, 2011 09:08:27 UTC

by Dan O'Keefe

Monumental achievement Luis, especially considering a new baby during that time. Congrats and my best to your family.

Mar 30, 2011 13:16:17 UTC

by O?uz Demirkap?

This is a great news! Luis, thanks for your hard work and dedication again! :)

Mar 30, 2011 18:06:32 UTC

by Vladimir Ugryumov

The Machine has done it again! Congrats and thanks!

Mar 31, 2011 16:13:40 UTC

by Ben Laube

Yay! This is awesome news, I've been waiting for the final release of 3. Congrats Luis!

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